A meteorite coming to earth?
According to NASA's recent posts, a meteorite named 1998 OR2 will be safely passing near the earth, according to calculations on the 29th of April. Even though we have been informed "Safely" NASA still has written "potentially hazardous". Some scientist has said that a collision would cause the exact same effect as the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs, which basically means incredible radiation and heat. The meteorite has over 4 km diameter and has been in our solar system since 1998. It has been safely spinning in space until today. Nasa still thinks that people could and should take cautions by closing windows and not directly looking at the sky at the moment of the event. I personally am looking forward to seeing the news and events that will happen on the day of the 29th and am curious to see if we are going to be able to see the gigantic rock in our atmosphere. If you do not have any ideas about the possible events that this meteorite could bring I would suggest looking at this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFjCBstBnj8)